Warm Floral Engagement at Laguna Niguel with Abby and Bryan

A soft honey scent filled the air as the bougainvilleas, lavenders, and array of flowers burst into bloom. A touch of earthy aromas accompanied the floral perfume, as it carried the Abby and Bryan throughout Laguna Niguel. Each moment shared between the two was warm and inviting. Playful as they ran across the wheaten fields and quiet when their foreheads came together, syncing their breaths.

As dear and close friends of ours, it was an honor to not only capture these forever memories for them, but to witness such and innocent love as theirs.

Abby and B, we wish you all the love and happiness deep within our hearts. You both found the best one to take the journey that lasts a lifetime together. -Kevin, Meg, and Jenna

Photographed by Kevin