Jenna Pangan

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Iโ€™ve always been drawn to the arts. When I was 3 it was painted smiley faces and dogs. When I was a teenager it was the hand drawn figure and oil with canvas.

Now itโ€™s the camera and the moment. Weddings are a same way. Thereโ€™s this whole blank artscape for me to make my mark. I take pride in the smallest even missed moments from the crowd and creating my art with it. In the hectic nature of event photography youโ€™re allowed this special privilege to meet some of the most amazing couples.

Iโ€™m grateful and in awe of the moments that I get to witness and capture that for most people, is far too intimate and secret to the world. With my camera old places seem new every time, the lens zooms in on life and brings it to the foreground. I canโ€™t wait to meet you and begin this incredible journey with you.

Feel free to follow me on Instagram!

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