Calamigos Equestrian Wedding in Burbank with Jon and Jane

This lovely Korean/ Western Wedding with Jon and Jane was filled with emotion this past weekend. The chic color palette and traditional garbs really created something special. As with all our couples, I’ll let these Star Wars fans tell you their love story:

Enter Jon and Jane:

Jonathan and Jane both grew up in the San Fernando valley of Los Angeles. Despite attending different high schools, their paths occasionally crossed as they had a number of mutual friends. It wasn’t until after both had graduated college that they found themselves again in one another’s lives. At a gathering put together by Jonathan’s room mate and future Groom’s Man Boin Hong, Jonathan and Jane met for the first time in several years. The two reminisced, laughed, and caught up but little did they know about the whirlwind romance that was about to ensue.

Over the next few weeks, Jonathan and Jane saw more and more of each other as the two invited each other to social events and the relationship grew. Eventually, Jonathan asked Jane to dinner, and the two had a terribly awkward first date that they both laugh about to this day. Nevertheless, it was the start of something special and the two started spending all of their free time together, going on trips, attending music festivals, and spending time with all of their mutual friends.

In 2014, Jonathan and Jane bought a house and moved in together. They adopted a rescue dog they named Egon and the three have lived happily ever since. Undeniably in love, Jonathan proposed to Jane on her birthday, December 23, 2015

-From their wedding website: