Beachside Wedding at Thursday Club in San Diego with Robin and Michael

This time we’re heading a little south of our usual territory down to San Diego to the Thursday Club with Robin and Michael. With a love story that I’ll hand off them to narrate:

“Michael and Robin met in June 2012 when they both showed up to a mutual friend’s birthday party. Michael was charming and cute as he found ways to continue to be near Robin at the party so that he could continue to talk to her and ultimately ask for her number. That summer, Michael’s life was quite busy as he was working on completing graduate school and traveling to Cambodia and Vietnam.

Although both were busy, Michael and Robin stayed in contact and ran into each other a couple times while hanging out with mutual friends. In September, Michael invited Robin to a Labor Day BBQ and from that moment, Michael and Robin started dating and falling in love. Michael finished his graduate degree in May of 2013 and started seriously looking at jobs near and far.

He looked at taking jobs in Northern California, Nevada, Michigan, and even Alaska. Michael ended up taking a job in the north part of San Diego County and, having had fallen in love with Robin quickly after they started dating, asked Robin embark on an adventure and continue growing their relationship by moving with him to San Diego. Robin decided to take a leap of faith and leave her job in downtown LA to be with Michael; it was the best move the two could have made. Since moving to North County San Diego, they have grown in their careers, bought a house, and made some great friendships.”